phoenix v|tome|x c – Industrial CT Scanner

With the phoenix v|tome|x c, GE offers a compact 450 kV CT system specially designed for NDT and quality assurance labs in foundries or aerospace applications allowing both, combined semi-automated NDT and 3D metrology. The low maintenance and production oriented design features like easy loading tools, barcode reader etc., as well as the new one-button|CT automatization functionality make the system a very efficient tool for high throughput industrial quality assurance.

It is the first industrial CT scanner with GE’s proprietary breakthrough scatter|correct technology option allowing users to gain a low scatter artifact CT quality level never before reached with conventional industrial flat panel cone beam CT. GE’s new  scatter|correct technology automatically removes most scatter artifacts from the CT volume. This technological advancement provides image quality similar to that achieved with fan beam scanning but at speeds up to 100 times faster.

The quick|pick manipulator of the high speed configuration HS even allows fully automated CT evaluation of large batches, e.g. to scan up to 25 turbine blades without any operator action within approx. 2 hrs. The system offers industry leading sample size, flexibility and maximum penetration power for high absorbing samples at 450 kV.

Features and Benefits
  • 450 kV computed tomography (CT) system for statistical production process control
  • First industrial CT system with scatter|correct to perform fast cone beam CT with the quality of slow fan beam CT
  • Max. 3D scanning area max. 500 mm Ø x 1000 mm
  • 3D measurements referring to VDI 2630 guideline*
  • CT performance specified referring to ASTM E 1695 guideline
  • Robust, small footprint design for production control with low cost of ownership
  • High efficiency ease of use due to one-button|CT
  • Optional quick|pick manipulator for automated blade inspection

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