ORTHO AvtoVue Innova

ORTHO AutoVue® Innova System product brochure

e-Connectivity® and ORTHO AutoVue® Innova System white paper

No matter how quickly you need to produce results or how much pressure you have to control costs, you know that no margin of error is acceptable in a blood bank. We designed the ORTHO AutoVue® Innova System to comprehensively address safety—from helping to reduce the potential for human error through increased automation and ease of use to increasing accuracy with dozens of additional process checks. So you can be ready to meet your toughest challenges with full confidence in the safety of your results.

Benefits & Features

Increase result integrity

Maximize result integrity for your blood bank with sample and reagent dispense verification, full traceability of samples and reagents, full process control, and LIS interface capability

Reduce the potential for errors

Limit the need for operator intervention and further reduce the opportunity for errors with automatic inventory and monitoring of all reagents, archiving capability, and built-in quality control management of hardware and reagents

Boost productivity and staff efficiency

Boost your lab’s productivity—and complete tests as samples arrive—with an expanded test menu, continuous sample feed, random access, discrete testing, and STAT management. And allow your staff more time for critical, analytical tasks thanks to faster turnaround times, ease of use, simplified training, and true walk-away operation.

Eliminate hidden lab costs and plan with predictable financials

Reduce the need for repeat tests with the system’s higher first-pass yield. Reduce waste and reagent consumption with partial cassette management and no in-run control. And plan your budget in advance with predictable financials.

Increase uptime and speed problem resolution

Increase operating uptime and speed problem resolution with automatic notification of maintenance on all key instrument modules, full traceability of activities, and enhanced system diagnostics as well as an Ortho Clinical Diagnostics hotline with multilingual customer care services.

Test Types

Examine the ORTHO AutoVue® Innova System menu of tests:

  • ABO/Rh
  • Reverse Grouping
  • Rh Phenotyping
  • Patient/Donor Crossmatching
  • Antibody Screening
  • Antibody Identification
  • Enzyme Testing
  • Special Antigen Typing
  • QC Testing


Dimensions & Power

System Dimensions:
+ Width: 140 cm
+ Height: 92 cm
+ Depth: 75 cm
+ Weight: 230 kg

PC/Power Backup:
+ Central Processing Unit

  • Serial and LAN Interfaces
  • Universal DVD Read/Write

+ Touch Screen Monitor
+ Hand-held Barcode Scanner
+ Laser printer

Samples & Reagents

Sample Types:
+ Centrifuged Whole Blood
+ Packed Red Blood Cells
+ 3-5% and 0.8% Red Cell Suspensions
+ Serum or Plasma

Reagent Types:
+ SURGISCREEN® Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ SELECTOGEN® Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ AFFIRMAGEN® Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ AFFIRMAGEN® 4 Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ Diego Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ Blood Bank Reagent Control (BRC) kit
+ RESOLVE® Panel A Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ RESOLVE® Panel B Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ RESOLVE® Panel C Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ 0.8% BioVue Screen Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ 0.8% RESOLVE® Panel A Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ 0.8% RESOLVE® Panel B Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ 0.8% RESOLVE® Panel C Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ 0.8% Red Cell Diluent
+ 0.8% SURGISCREEN® Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ 0.8% SELECTOGEN® Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ 0.8% AFFIRMAGEN® Reagent Red Blood Cells
+ AlbaQ-Chek® J Simulated Whole Blood Controls
+ ORTHO™ Sera Anti-D (IAT)
+ ORTHO™ Sera Anti-D (DVI)
+ ORTHO™ Sera Anti-K
+ ORTHO™ Sera Anti-Fya
+ ORTHO™ Sera Anti-Fyb
+ ORTHO™ Sera Anti-Jka
+ ORTHO™ Sera Anti-Jkb
+ ORTHO™ Sera Anti-S
+ ORTHO™ Sera Anti-s

Supported Barcode Types:
+ Code 128C
+ Code 39
+ Eurocode
+ Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5)
+ ISBT 128

ORTHO BioVue® System Cassette Types:
+ ABO-Rh/Reverse
+ Rh-hr
+ Newborn – ABO-Rh/DAT
+ AHG Polyspecific
+ AHG Anti-IgG
+ ABO-Rh
+ AHG Polyspecific/Neutral
+ Reverse Diluent
+ Rh/K
+ Neutral
+ Kell
+ Kell/Control


+ 42 samples
+ 240 ORTHO BioVue® System Cassettes
+ Reagents:

  • 3 Reagent Racks – 14 vials each
    • Rack 1: 3 mL (12) and 5 or 10 mL (2)
    • Rack 2: 3 mL (8) and 5 or 10 mL (6)
    • Rack 3: 5 or 10 mL (14)
    • Rack 4: 5 or 10 mL (14)
  • Non-Agitated Rack
    • 4 Vial Capacity, 10 mL (2) and 50 mL (2)

LIS Connections:
+ Worklist download or host query
+ Supported Protocols:

  • LAN
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
  • Kermit