NeuAcq* Scattering Electronics

NeuAcq , the next generation Reuter Stokes data acquisition electronics system for neutron scattering instruments, provides superior speed and accuracy for time stamping and processing neutron events. NeuAcq  is a Linux and Ethernet-based system that utilizes Precision Time Protocol (PTP), Power over Ethernet (POE) and standard TCP/IP network communications to stream high count rate neutron event data. The central processor is compliant with the ADARA communication protocol, allowing real time access to instrument data. It supports the EPICS control system and is compatible with the Mantid neutron scattering visualization and data processing software.

The NeuAcq electronics system provides unprecedented versatility in addressing your neutron data acquisition and processing needs.  It offers the flexibility, speed, precision and processing power to accurately process neutron event data from multiple detector technologies.   The architecture enables scalability, data streaming over standard networks and leverages the benefits of open source control and visualization software.

NeuAcq electronics can be used in new or existing systems to process and stream neutron event data from the following detector technologies:

  • Helium 3 linear position sensitive detectors
  • Helium 3 non-position sensitive detectors
  • Boron-10 linear position sensitive detectors
  • Boron-10 non-position sensitive detectors
  • B10Plus+ linear position and non-position sensitive proportional counters
  • Multiple neutron sensitive scintillation technologies including wavelength shifting detectors and 6Li loaded glass scintillators.
Features and Benefits



  • Industry standard TCP/IP over gigabit Ethernet
  • Utilizes ADARA communications standard
  • Scalable data network and timing distribution
  • PTP and POE allow for significant reduction in wiring
  • Common platform that supports multiple detector technologies
  • ARM A9 based processor with embedded Linux operating system
  • FPGA-based real-time digital signal processor
  • Remote firmware upgrade capability


  • High count rate throughput greater than 1,000,000 cps/processor
  • Standardization of communications and electronics across multiple instrument technologies
  • Superior thermal and count rate stability
  • Ease of installation.  Reduced cabling, and single Ethernet cable for timing, communications and power
  • Compliant with EPICS and ADARA standards (compatible with MANTID)
  • Timing precision of 10 ns and accuracy better than 500 ns

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