GE’s 300 Pressure Series Sensors

GE Measurement & Control (formerly Druck Ltd.) have been supplying pressure sensors to the Aerospace industry for more than 20 years. Today we have a product on all major commercial aircraft programs, where we have been hugely successful in recent years with continuing to develop our core applications with our customer base to offer a robust and reliable solution. Our portfolio of products offers a wide range of highly accurate and stable sensors covering millivolt (mV), amplified voltage (PMP), current (4-20mA) and digitally corrected devices. These are available as Gauge, Sealed Gauge, Absolute or Differential.

Core Applications

Auxiliary Power Unit (APU):

A sensor range has been developed to measure oil, fuel and air pressure. These sensors are either used to measure differential pressures across filters or as absolute means to measure pressure to ensure the unit is operating safely and efficiently. Dependant on the application requirements dual redundancy can be provided.


Similar to the APU range, a sensor suite has been developed to meet the stringent requirements for operation on-engine. Our sensors are used to measure both differential and absolute pressure measurement for oil and fuel. Also we offer high accuracy sensors that are used for engine condition monitoring and also for engine control as part of the FADEC unit measuring P0 and P3.

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