Penetrant Testing acc. to EN ISO 3452-1:2013
With the Penetrant Testing procedure (also known as DP test or dye penetrant inspection) you can quickly determine surface discontinuities on all iron metals and non-iron metals, some plastics and ceramic materials, glass, etc., provided that the discontinuities are open to the surfaces.
The liquid penetrant test method is used in the examination of welding seams, cast pieces, in shipbuilding, automobile and aircraft construction, apparatus and tank construction, etc.
Liquid penetrant inspection can be carried out with at daylight visible (red dye penetrant) and/or under UV-light fluorescent penetrants.
The PT method is charactestic for the fact that, contrary to the magnetic particle inspection (MT), defects or discontinuities can be proven also on not magnetizable materials.
Process description
The testing procedure consists of four separate processing steps, for which the following products are necessary:
- Precleaning (MR® Remover)
- Application of penetrant (MR® Penetrant)
- Excess penetrant removal (MR® Remover or water)
- Application of developer (MR® Developer, white)
From practice: Penetrant Testing red/white