Aurora Moisture Analyzer

Aurora Moisture Analyzer

08.05.2016 vitta2015 0

Aurora moisture analyzers provide moisture measurement from low PPM to % levels. The Aurora analyzers have an intuitive interface that makes them easy to learn, […]

Aurora 19

Aurora 19

08.05.2016 vitta2015 0

Aurora 19 moisture analyzers provide moisture measurement from low PPM to % levels. The Aurora analyzers have an intuitive interface that makes them easy to […]

Optica Chilled Mirror Hygrometer

Optica Chilled Mirror Hygrometer

08.05.2016 vitta2015 0

GE’s Optica Hygrometer offers precision dew point measurement using GE’s chilled mirror sensing technology. The moisture analyzer provides NIST traceable humidity, temperature and pressure measurements. The data can […]



08.05.2016 vitta2015 0

GE’s General Eastern Humilab is a NIST-traceable relative humidity generator and calibration chamber that is continuously monitored and controlled by a chilled mirror hygrometer and […]